Oral Presentations

Share your research with a 12 to 15 minute talk, followed by questions. Presenters selecting “oral presentation” as their preferred format will be placed in a panel with three to five other presentations. Each 90-minute presentation session will be assembled around an academic discipline or inter-disciplinary theme based on the abstract submission.  

Presenters will receive confirmation of their panel group and presentation time prior to the symposium. Panel sessions will be moderated by University of Oregon faculty or staff. 

Each presenter or presenting group should be prepared to: 

  • Arrive 10 minutes prior to their assigned panel time
  • Present 12 to 15 minutes of content, with 3-5 minutes for audience questions and discussion
    • Individual presenters, as well as co-presenting groups will be allotted 12 to 15 minutes total
  • Attend for the entire 90-minute panel session, with 10 minutes for general discussion after all panelists have presented.

Attend a Symposium Preparation Workshop

Affiliated Students of Undergraduate Research Engagement (ASURE) and the Oregon Undergraduate Research Journal (OURJ) will hold a joint workshop: "The Art of Designing an Impactful Symposium Presentation" on April 16 and 23 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in the EMU Miller Room #107. 

Examples of Previous Oral Presentation Panels

Beyond A Melody: 2020 Arts & Humanities Panel

Watch Now

Moderators: Tera Reid-Olds & Jackie Etchinson 


  • William O’Brien, "A Critical Examination of Abstraction in John Dewey’s Reflective Thought"
  • M. Joelle Ahler, "Disrupting the Cyclical Narrative of Castration in Rape Revenge; distinguishing violence from vengeance"
  • Martha DeCosta, "The Harp-Weaver and Other Poems: A Haunting Maternal Presence in Edna St. Vincent Millay’s Poetry"
  • Natalie North, "The Pearl of Santa Radegonda: An Investigation into Chiara Margarita Cozzolani’s Musical Fortune and Success during the Early to Mid-Baroque Era"

2022 Health & Social Sciences Panel 

Watch Now

Moderators: Jim Bouse 


  • Ava Archer & Ethan Scott, ”ChangeDwell: The Interaction Between Change Blindness and Dwell Time Paradigms”
  • Juanita Dominguez, “Inequities faced by asylum seekers from Guatemala and Mexico under the Trump Administration”  
  • Katherine Dong, “Monitoring Infant Neurodevelopment via the Hammersmith Neurological Exams in Cambodian Infants at RI”  
  • Noelia Duncan, “Exploring individual differences in diabetes related illness perceptions”
  • Raimy Khalife-Hamdan, “Shia-Catholic Coexistence and Cross-Religious Engagement Among Youth in Southern Lebanon”  
  • Sonny Kusaka, “Identifying Areas of Enhanced Flexibility in the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein with Computational Methods”  
  • Autumn Mosley, “Breathing based meditation to decrease stress and improve symptoms in persons with COPD”  
  • Ciera Sanders, “The Relationship Among Parental Stress, Child Well-Being, and Routines During the COVID-19 Pandemic” 


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