Programs & Opportunities

The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) provides a significant number of donor-supported scholarships and fellowships to CAS students – both undergraduate and graduate. These awards are for continuing students only.
The Center for Latino/a & Latin American Studies (CLLAS) is a knowledge center that facilitates collaborative research, scholarship, and community engagement focused on Latin America and US Latinx populations. The Center offers awards for outstanding undergraduate coursework as well as student employment and internship opportunities.
The Environmental Summer Research in Chemistry, Physics and Materials Science Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) program gives undergraduate students the opportunity to step into a research role and provides them with the foundational opportunity to test their knowledge and to begin learning to overcome the challenges of trial-and-error nature of research.
The HEDCO Institute for Evidence-Based Educational Practice Undergraduate Scholars Program provides paid training and experience in literature reviews, communication, and outreach, and dissemination of research to real-world decision-makers in K-12 education. The program takes place from January to December, and is open to current sophomores, juniors and seniors (who will not graduate until the end of December of that calendar year) No previous research experience is required.
The Latinx Studies Experiential Learning program offers a limited number of fellowships for undergraduates to conduct research or creative projects supervised by a faculty member. Projects can be in any discipline as long as they are related to Latinx Studies and result in a product for presentation or publication. The program provides a stipend and close mentorship with the faculty supervisor.
The McNair Scholars Program (TRiO) prepares qualified junior and senior level students for graduate study leading to PhD degrees. The close-knit group of scholars receive comprehensive support to earn their undergraduate degrees, complete research projects and apply to graduate schools.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) offers competitive scholarships to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research. The program includes scholarship support, and paid research training at NIH during the summer and post-grad employment opportunity.
National Science Foundation (NSF) funds research opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Sites program. Each student is associated with a specific research project at a host institution, where they work closely with the faculty and other researchers. The search site can be filtered by subject area, geographical location, and institution.
The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology’s Exploration of Marine Biology on the Oregon Coast research experience for undergraduate students offers the opportunity to participate in ongoing science research at UO’s marine lab during the summer months, mentoring and professional development training.
The Oregon Undergraduate Research Journal (OURJ) is an open-access, interdisciplinary journal at the University of Oregon. Since 2010, OURJ has been edited and produced by a student-run editorial board trained in peer review. The journal’s biannual issues showcase some of the best peer-reviewed work by UO undergraduates across all disciplines, and submissions from all academic fields are encouraged.
The University of Oregon Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) provides funded fellowship opportunities for undergraduate students to participate in research in Life Sciences laboratories at UO during the summer. Students from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.
PIVOT is an external database which contains funding resources for research in all fields and disciplines. Individuals will need to create a PIVOT login, then conduct an advanced search with Undergraduate specified in the Requirements field.
REU Finder is a resource for students who are searching for funded research opportunities. Included in the category list are opportunities for incoming first-year students, international students, undocumented students.
This resourceful Department of Biology page offers guidance and resources to students who are interested in conducting research in one of numerous bio-science laboratories at the University of Oregon. The page includes a comprehensive list of Bioscience Research Faculty Listed by Discipline.
The Human Physiology Department encourages engagement in high-impact experiential learning opportunities, such as internships and undergraduate research, during your education.  This is a fantastic way to learn about your career interests, develop real-world skills, and gain a sense of membership in the professional community.
The UO Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) office encourages and supports undergraduate research and creative scholarship in all academic disciplines included in the University’s eight undergraduate schools and colleges.
The annual Undergraduate Research Symposium provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to showcase their research and creative works. Research and creative works presentations (poster, oral, data stories, performance) from all academic disciplines and fields are welcome.
CTL's world-class staff is committed to conducting rigorous research on the design, delivery and efficacy of curriculum, instruction, and assessment as individual elements used in schools, especially in the primary, elementary and middle school grades.
Research guides are developed and maintained by experts from the University of Oregon Library. Resources are typically organized by academic discipline, subject, and type (course guides, subject/topic guides, how-to-guides). Theses librarian recommended resources and research tips are offered for variety of topics.
Scholars’ Bank is the University of Oregon’s Open Access institutional repository, providing access to the intellectual work of faculty, students, and staff. UO Libraries hosts this no-cost archive for student work that would otherwise be hard to locate or unavailable to the public. Student authors are provided with a unique, stable URL for each work that can be cited and included in future job or graduate school applications.
Students of Color Opportunities in Research Environment (SCORE) is an academically based hand-on research club designed for students who underrepresented in the Life Sciences. The program consists of weekly workshops designed to teach students basic laboratory techniques. The primary goal of the program is to enable each student to gain confidence with a scientific skill set which will lead to undergraduate research and professional development opportunities