Faculty Perspectives at IntroDUCKtion

Participate in IntroDUCKtion by delivering a Faculty Perspectives presentation aimed at fostering early engagement between incoming students and faculty, and building a sense of campus belonging.   Student feedback has consistently affirmed the positive impact the Faculty Perspectives sessions have on students’ transition to college, and in expanding their understanding of the culture of inquiry and breadth of academic opportunities at a liberal arts and sciences research university.  This program invites faculty to share their joys of discovery and creativity, and the outcomes and applications of their research, scholarship, and teaching.

Engage with Incoming Students

  • Opportunity to broaden incoming student understanding of academic engagement at the UO
  • Share your passion and resilience along your career journey
  • Share academic opportunities for undergraduates within or adjacent to your research/creative work portfolio
  • Encourage curiosity, inclusive learning environment, empowering undergraduate students to explore their interests, develop essential skills, and realize their full academic and personal potential

Scope of Work

  • Faculty Perspectives features short talks by teaching faculty discussing their own research and teaching
  • These presentations often feature the interdisciplinary nature of learning and scholarship while highlighting the breadth and depth of academic opportunities at the UO
  • 30 minute session consisting of a 20 minute Faculty Perspectives Presentation, and 10 minute post-discussion Q&A with incoming students
  • Faculty may present more than once over the Summer Term
  • Opportunity to record presentations utilized for non-summer IntroDUCKtion sessions

Submit Your Interest

2024 Faculty Presenters




Erin Beck

Associate Professor

CLLAS, Latin American Studies, Political Science

Jon Bellona

Senior Instructor I of Audio Production

School of Music and Dance

Peg Boulay

Senior Instructor

Environmental Science

Dayna Chatman

Senior Instructor

Journalism and Communication

Stephanie Clark

Associate Professor


Jacqueline Cordova-Arrington

Assistant Professor of Flute

School of Music and Dance

Ihab Elzeyadi


School of Architecture and Environment

Scott Fisher

Astronomy Lecturer & Outreach Director

Physics Department

Denise Gigliotti

Senior Instructor II of Chinese

East Asian Languages

Luke Habberstad

Associate Professor

East Asian Languages

Kate Kelp-Stebbins

Associate Professor

English Department

Harinder Kaur Khalsa

Senior Instructor II of Italian

Romance Languages

Gabriella Lindberg

Assistant Professor of Bioengineering

Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact

Mark Lonergan


Chemistry and Biochemistry

Drew Nobile

Associate Professor of Music Theory

School of Music and Dance

Kyle Reardon

Research Associate

Secondary Special Education & Transition Programs

Alex Segre Cohen

Assistant Professor of Science Communication

School of Journalism and Communication

Samantha Shune

Associate Professor

Communication Disorders and Sciences

Larry Ulibarri

Senior  Instructor I


Matthias Vogel

Senior Instructor II

German and Scandinavian

David Wacks

Professor of Spanish

Romance Languages

Zachary Wallmark

Associate Professor Musicology

School of Music and Dance

Jean Wu

Senior Instructor II of Chinese

East Asian Languages